CAD data
How to download CAD data
5501 CAD data (only step format)
9110 Super-Easy
burster Statement LOG4J
DigiCal V2015.1.0.0
Version information about DigiVision
FMControl Read Me
1422-1426 PC software for functional testing of IEC decade boxes
1427 demoprogram functional test r-decade
2304-P001 PC configuration software (password-protected)
2304 Demo V2012.1.0.0
2316 PC configuration software demo V2018.1.0.0
PC configuration software 2316-P001 V2018.1.0.0 (password-protected)
2327/8 Demo software
2329 PC-Konfigurationssoftware V2012.1.0.0
2329 PC configuration demo V2012.1.0.0
4422 Demo software
4462 Demo DE / EN V2002.1.0.0
4463 Firmware Uploader
4530 Demo
6706 Demo
7280 TRANS CAL Driver (V6.1, signed) for USB interface
9163 GSD file and function blocks
9180 Demo simulation V1.5
9205 V6.7.x for Windows 10 for 64-Bit operating systems
9205 V6.1.0 for Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7 for 32-Bit and 64-Bit operating systems
9221 Configuration software V2006.1.0.0
9221 GSD files
DigiControl V2024.1.0.0 DE/EN for DIGIFORCE® 9307/9310/9311; RESISTOMAT® 2311; 2511
9307 GSD-Files PROFIBUS (from 9307 firmware PB-V201200)
9307 GSD-Files PROFIBUS (from 9307 firmware PB-V201800)
9307 GSD-XML-Files PROFINET (valid from 29.10.2014, from 9307 firmware PN-V14.1.0)
9307 GSD-XML-Files PROFINET (from 9307 firmware PN-V18.1.0)
9311 GSD files PROFIBUS (from 9311 firmware PB-V201600)
9311 GSD files PROFIBUS (from 9311 firmware PB-V201800)
9311 GSD XML files PROFINET (from 9311 firmware PN-V16.1.0)
9311 GSD XML files PROFINET (from 9311 firmware PN-V18.1.0)
USB driver 7132, 7160, 7281, 8661, 9110, 9206, 9307, 9311 & 9900-K361
TCP-IP tool V2012.1.0 for DigiControl 9307 / 9306 / 9310 / DigiVision
Command-line console for serial interface V2018.1.0
Driver for USB serial converter for 9900-K351, 4423 & 9163
Driver and programming examples (X86); LabWindows/CVI, LabView- and Win32-Driver (X86) 2304, 2316, 2318, 2329, 2408, 24508, 4420, 4422, 4423, 4462, 4463, 7132, 7160, 86xx, 9180, 9181, 9205, 9206; VB, C#, C++ for 9307, 9310, 9311; DASYLAb for 86xR, 9206
Version information Instrument Driver (X86)
Driver and programming examples (X64); LabWindows/CVI, LabView- and Win32-Driver (X64) 2304, 2316, 2318, 2329, 2408, 24508, 4420, 4422, 4423, 4462, 4463, 7132, 7160, 86xx, 9180, 9181, 9205, 9206; VB, C#, C++ for 9307, 9310, 9311; DASYLab for 86xR, 9206
Version information Instrument Driver (X64)
IVI driver (X86)
Version information IVI driver (X86)
IVI driver (X64)
Version information IVI driver (X64)
Visual C ++ 10.0 CRT vcr edist_x86
.NET Framework 4.0 Full, X86, X64, Multilanguage
Demo communication tool for UDP interface V2018.1.0
Remote Control Tool EN
Software features
BA DigiVision Drehmoment